诺贝尔奖得主Roy Jay Glauber演讲

发布日期:2014-04-10 作者:null    编辑:    来源:物理学院

应兰州大学物理科学与技术学院和萃英学院邀请,2005 年诺贝尔物理学奖获得者,哈佛大学R. J. Glauber教授来我校访问并做学术报告。 题目:Two Hundred Years of Light Waves, One Hundred Years of Light Quanta (光波两百年 光量子一百年)

报告人:Roy Jay Glauber (罗伊.格劳伯) 教授


地点:观云楼 8楼


The understanding that light propagates as a wave was one of the great successes of nineteenth-century science, and when Maxwell identified those waves as electromagnetic in nature, the theory of light seemed complete. It appeared there could be nothing to add. The realization then by Planck and Einstein, early in the twentieth century, that light can also behave like a shower of well-defined particles, seemed altogether contradictory. Their new quantum theory led to a succession of dilemmas and puzzles that lasted for decades. The resolution of those problems had to await the arrival of a much broader quantum mechanical theory, one that embraces particles of all sorts by giving them wave properties analogous to those of light. It is interesting to look back at some of those problems and dilemmas. They remain central to many of the more novel and interesting features of present-day quantum mechanics.


罗伊.格劳伯是著名的美国理论物理学家,哈佛大学 Mallinckrodt 教授和亚利桑那大学光学科学兼职教授。他因“对光学相干性的量子理论的贡献”而获得2005年诺贝尔物理学奖。




