题 目:纳米功能材料在能量转换和储存中的应用
时 间:12月11日(星期四) 下午2:30
地 点:物理楼1001报告厅
WANG Donghai
Research Interest:
Development of novel nanostructured functional materials with controlled crystallography, architectures and properties from molecular, to nano and micro-scale dimensions.
Application of nanostructured functional materials in energy storage and conversion with emphasis on electrode materials in Li ion battery and photovoltaics.
11/08–Present Scientist, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
01/06–10/08 Postdoctoral Fellow, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
09/05–12/05 Visiting Student during Katrina evacuation, University of New Mexico
09/02–08/05 Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, Tulane University
Honors and Awards:
(1) First Place Presenter Award, Eastern Regional Chemical Engineering Graduate Student Symposium, 2005.
(2) MRS Graduate Student Gold Award, Materials Research Society, Fall, 2004.
(3) Student Award, the American Institute of Chemist, 2004.
(4) Graduate Student Achievement Award, School of Engineering, Tulane University, 2004.
(5) Graduate School Dissertation Year Fellowship, Tulane University, 2003-2004.