
发布日期:2019-04-02 作者:    编辑:刘艳丽    来源:


题目:Atomic-scale investigation of the nuclear quantum effects of surface water with STM/AFM



摘要:Quantum behaviors of protons in terms of tunneling and zero-point motion have significant effects on the macroscopic properties, structure, and dynamics of water even at room temperature or higher. In spite of tremendous theoretical and experimental efforts, accurate and quantitative description of the nuclear quantum effects (NQEs) is still challenging. In this talk, I will highlight the recent advances of scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and qPlus sensor based non-contact atomic force microscopy (nc-AFM), which allows the access to the quantum degree of freedom of protons both in real and energy space. Then I will discuss how the STM/AFM are used to directly visualize the concerted quantum tunneling of protons within the water clusters and quantify the impact of zero-point motion on the strength of a single hydrogen bond (H bond) at a water/solid interface. At last, I will highlight the crucial role of NQEs in surface chemistry and material science.

报告人简介:郭静,北京师范大学化学学院教授,博士生导师。2011年本科毕业于兰州大学物理科学与技术学院,2016年在北京大学物理学院量子材料科学中心获得博士学位 (导师:江颖),2016-2018年在北京大学进行博士后研究。主要从事基于扫描隧道显微镜/qPlus非接触式原子力显微镜的表面物理化学研究。近年来在尖端扫描探针技术的发展、表面水/冰的亚分子级分辨成像、质子转移动力学、核量子效应(量子隧穿和量子涨落)对水的氢键网络、氢键强度甚至表面异质催化的影响等方面取得一系列优秀的研究成果。作为第一作者/共同第一作者发表论文10余篇,专著1本,其中Science, Nature Materials, Nature Physics 各1 篇, Nature Communications 2篇,发表综述Progress in Surface Science, Journal of Chemical Physics 各1篇, 博士论文入选 Springer Theses - the “best of the best” 系列丛书并正式出版。