应兰州大学光转换材料与技术国家地方联合工程实验室主任王育华教授邀请,美国乔治亚大学Charles Q. Yang教授举办线上学术报告。欢迎广大师生届时参加!
报告人:Charles Q. Yang教授
线上地点:Zoom(会议ID:516 281 8075,密码:123456)
Cotton blends are widely used in the fields of protective clothing due to their desirable characteristics. Blending cotton with a synthetic fiber improves fabric strength and abrasion resistance whereas cotton provides a high level of comfortability for the blends. However, high flammability of those cotton blends prevents their applications to fire resistant industrial and military uniforms in spite of the high demand for low-cost fire resistant military protective clothing. Because military uniforms require repeated laundering, the flame retardants applied to those blends must have high resistance to hydrolysis under elevated temperatures in the presence of laundry detergents. The most widely used durable flame retardant finishes for cotton was based on reactive organophosphorus compounds which could be covalently bound to cotton by their reactions to cotton cellulose. Because synthetic fibers do not have reactive functional groups, those reactive phosphorus flame retardants cannot be used on the blends. Flame retardant finishing of military cotton blends has not been successful for many years.
In our research, a new flame retardant system based on a hydroxyl functional organophosphorus oligomer and a co-reactant was developed. The new system is not only effective to cotton, but also capable of forming polymeric crosslinked networks on the blend fabrics, thus imparting high hydrolysis resistance to the treated cotton blends. This new flame retardant system was successfully applied to 50/50 nylon-66/cotton, 50/50 polyester/cotton, and 65/35 nomex/cotton military fabrics4-9. We applied microscale combustion calorimetry as a qualitative analytical method to investigate chemical reactions of the flame retardant system during treatment and fiber-to-fiber interactions during thermal degradation of the treated blends10-11. In this presentation, we will discuss the bonding mechanism of the flame retardant system on the blends, the flame retardant performance of the treated cotton blends, the interactions between the two fibers in a blend fabric during thermal degradation. We will discuss both applied and theoretical aspects of the flame retardant finishing of cotton blends, and demonstrate how the analytical methods were used to achieve research objectives.
Charles Q. Yang教授于1963年9月进入北京大学化学系。在经历了长达12年的文化大革命前后的动乱之后,于1978年9月进入南京大学化学系高分子专业学习并于1981年底取得硕士学位。Charles Q. Yang于1983年初到美国堪萨斯州立大学(Kansas State University)化学系继续深造,在著名光谱学家Dr. William G. Fateley指导下攻读分析化学博士学位,并于1987年8月获得博士学位。 他博士论文的题目是“FT-IR Photoacoustic Spectroscopy Studies of the Chemically Modified Textile Fibers, Yarns and Fabrics”。他于1987年9月到西弗吉尼亚州(West Virginia)的马歇尔大学(Marshall University)化学系任助理教授,讲授分析化学及高分子化学并指导研究生。他于1990年9月转到乔治亚大学(The University of Georgia)担任纺织系付教授,开始了他在纺织品的功能整理领域二十多年的研究工作。 Charles Yang教授在1993年成为终身教授并于1995年晋升为正教授。他在1998年获得乔治亚大学的“创造性研究”奖章(“Creative Research Medal ”),在2004年获得“资深教授奖”(“Senior Faculty Award”)。Charles Yang教授于2013年4月的美国纺织化学家及染色家协会(“American Association of Textile Chemist and Colorist”,简称AATCC)的学术年会上获得著名的“Olney Medal”金质奖章。该奖为AATCC的最高奖。Charles Yang于2012年获得罗马尼亚依阿斯工业大学(Technical University of Iasi)的名誉博士学位,是该校的最高荣誉。Charles Yang的研究集中于棉织物的抗皱及阻燃两个领域,在理论及应用两个领域均有贡献。他在SCI索引的专业期刊发表了130多篇论文。Charles Yang于2013年6月从乔治亚大学退休成为该校的退休研究教授 (“Professor Emeritus”)。