理论物理学术报告2020年第9期——房一楠 博士
题目:Quantum sensing enhanced by periodic quantum controls
报告人:房一楠 博士
线上地点:腾讯会议(会议 ID:604 241 900 会议密码:890511)
摘要:Quantum sensing amounts to use quantum resources such as entanglement or coherence to boost the precision when estimates a quantity of interest using a quantum probe. The quantity could itself be a classical signal that coupled to the probe, or a physical property from another quantum target who interacts with the probe. In this later while ubiquitous scenario, even with the quantum aid the absence of direct access to the target may still hinder or significantly reduce the achievable precision. In a recent study, we have explored a particular example of this type, consisting of a qubit coupled to an oscillator, by using the generic frame of quantum metrology. Our results highlight the constructive role of periodic quantum controls in achieving favorable precision scaling with respect to the probe’s coherence time. We also proposed an adaptive sensing protocol to realize the predicted enhancement. Finally, we supplied our main results with detailed discussions on the effect of environmental noise as well as uncertainties in prior knowledge about the sensing quantity.