应兰州大学物理学院魏少文教授邀请, 河南师范大学物理学院李然副教授举办线上学术报告。欢迎广大师生届时参加!
题目:Black hole phase transition on free energy landscape
线上地点:腾讯会议(951 309 408)
I will discuss the thermodynamics and the kinetics of Hawking-Page phase transition and the small/large RNAdS black hole phase transition based on the underlying free energy landscape. The stability and phase transition of these states can be determined by free energy landscape topography. Due to the thermal fluctuations, spacetime state has the chance to escape from one phase to another phase. We propose that the probabilistic evolution of such stochastic process can be described by corresponding Fokker-Planck equation. In this setup, we study the kinetics and the kinetic speed quantified by the first passage process and the mean first passage time. The results show that the mean first passage time and its fluctuations are closely related with free energy landscape topography through barrier heights and the temperature. This study provides a systematic way of studying black hole thermodynamics and kinetics of the black holes from free energy landscape.