应兰州大学物理学院刘占伟老师邀请, 中国科学院大学黄飞教授举办学术报告。欢迎广大师生届时参加!
题 目:Recent progress on the investigations of d*(2380)
时 间:2020年8月20日上午 9:30-12:00
地 点:格致楼3016
The d*(2380), a resonance with isospin I=0 and spin-parity J^P=3^+, mass M~2380... MeV, and width Gamma~70 MeV, has been reported by the WASA-at-COSY Collaboration in double pionic fusion reaction pn->d pi^0 pi^0 and several other two-pion production reactions. It has also been observed in an analysis of the newly observed analyzing power data for the polarized np scattering, the double neutral-pion photoproduction on the deuteron, and the deuteron photodisintegration reaction. Theoretically, several attempts employing constituent quark cluster model, hadronic molecular model, and diquark model et al. have been devoted to understand the structure and properties of this state. In this talk, I will give a brief review of both the experimental and theoretical progresses made on the investigation of d*(2380).
黄飞博士主要从事强子结构和强子谱方面的理论研究工作,在手征夸克模型的发展和应用、多夸克态及分子态的结构和性质、动力学耦合道模型中核子激发态的动力学来源及其参数、规范不变方法中介子的光生反应等研究课题上作出了贡献,与国内外实验密切相关,取得了在国际上有一定影响力的研究成果。在Physical Review Letters, Physical Review D, Physical Review C, Physics Letters B, European Physical Journal C等国际知名学术期刊发表SCI学术论文50余篇,被引用1400余次(INSPIRE-HEP)。