理论物理学术报告2020年第16期——于江浩 副研究员

发布日期:2020-08-31 作者:刘玉孝 编辑:马致兰 来源:理论物理交流平台

应兰州大学物理学院刘玉孝教授邀请, 中科院理论物理研究所于江浩副研究员举办线上学术报告。欢迎广大师生届时参加!

题目:Neutral Naturalness and Its Cosmological History





报告摘要:Neutral naturalness provides a new solution to the little hierarchy problem. I will review neutral naturalness scenarios, focusing on prototype twin Higgs model and motiving minimal neutral naturalness model. In these scenarios, Higgs precision coupling measurements provide us a unique way to testify these models. At the same time, the hidden QCD and electroweak sector serves as hidden sector, predicting interacting dark matter. This provides a solution to both the H0 tension and sigma-8 problem in cosmology. Furthermore, introducing heavy neutrinos gives rise to twin cogenesis mechanism, which solves dark matter, neutrino masses, matter antimatter asymmetry and cosmic coincidence puzzles at the same time. 
