理论物理学术报告2020年第17期——刘海山 特聘研究员

发布日期:2020-08-31 作者:王永强 编辑:马致兰 来源:理论物理交流平台

应兰州大学物理学院王永强副教授邀请, 天津大学刘海山特聘研究员举办线上学术报告。欢迎广大师生届时参加!

题目:Black Hole Scalarization in Gauss-Bonnet Extended Starobinsky Gravity





报告摘要: We propose a class of higher-derivative gravities that can be viewed as the Gauss-Bonnet extension of the Starobinsky model.  The theory admits the Minkowski spacetime vacuum whose linear spectrum consists of the graviton and a massive scalar mode. In addition to the usual Schwarzschild black hole,  we use numerical analysis to show that in some suitable mass range, new black holes carrying the massive scalar hair can emerge.  The new black hole serves as a “wall” separating the naked spacetime singularity and wormholes in the parameter space of the scalar hair. Our numerical results also indicate that the new hairy black hole and the Schwarzschild have different spacetime geometry, their entropy and temperature are same for the same mass.

报告人简介:刘海山,天津大学特聘研究员。2012年于浙江大学获取博士学位,同年进入浙江工业大学理学院工作。2015年1月—2017年1月,于德州农工大学(Texas A M university)做博士后。2019年调入天津大学物理系工作。在PRD,JHEP等杂志上发表论文30余篇。