应兰州大学物理学院刘占伟老师邀请, 武汉理工大学物理系王科臣教授举办学术报告。欢迎广大师生届时参加!
题 目:Far Detectors Can Enhance the Physics Discovery Potential at Future Lepton Colliders
时 间:2020年9月25日下午 14:00
地 点:格致楼3016
The long-lived particles (LLPs) are important targets when searching for beyond standard model physics. The future lepton collider with an additional far detector may play a unique role in searching for LLPs. In this talk, I will present the feasibility of installing far detectors at future
colliders. We consider various locations and designs of far detectors and investigate their potentials for discovering LLPs in the physics scenarios including exotic Higgs decays, heavy neutral leptons, and the lightest neutralinos. The results show that such new experiments with far detectors at future lepton colliders may extend and complement the sensitivity reaches of the experiments at future lepton colliders with usual near detectors, and of the present and future experiments at the LHC.
王科臣,南开大学物理学学士,美国德克萨斯农工大学(Texas A&M University)物理学博士;中科院高能物理研究所和德国电子同步加速器研究所博士后研究员;现任武汉理工大学物理系教授;湖北省“百人计划”青年百人。研究方向是高能粒子物理理论,具体是在高能粒子对撞机上研究超出标准模型的新物理理论。关注于超对称理论、中微子物理、Higgs物理、暗物质和长寿命粒子在LHC和未来对撞机(CEPC, SppC; ILC, CLIC; LHeC; FCC-ee, hh, eh)上的唯象学研究,作为主要作者已在本领域重要期刊上发表论文二十余篇,据高能物理专业网站inspirehep统计,总引用次数超过800次,平均单篇引用超40次。国际期刊《Physics Letters B》及《Nuclear Physics B》审稿人。目前担任中国未来环形正负电子对撞机(CEPC) 和超级质子质子对撞机(SppC),以及欧洲规划中的未来环形对撞机(FCC)和大型强子-电子对撞机(LHeC)物理工作组成员。