题 目:基于高功率质子/重离子加速器的缪子物理研究
时 间:2020年11月12日10:00
地 点:格致楼3016
Although no direct evidence of new physics has been observed at the energy frontier, there are some indirect hints of new physics in the charged lepton sector. This makes it very attractive to carry out experimental research at the intensity frontier, especially the high-intensity muon beam produced by the high-power proton and heavy ion accelerator. In this talk I will introduce precision muon physics experiments that can be performed on these accelerators, focusing on the anomalous muon magnetic moment and muon-to-electron conversion experiments. I will also discuss some high-power proton and heavy ion accelerators under construction or proposed in China, including CSNS, HIAF, CiADS and CYCIAE.
陈申见,南京大学物理学教授,博士生导师。中国物理学会高能物理分会第七、八、九届常务理事,江苏省物理学会粒子物理-核物理-宇宙学专业委员会主任,科技部重点研发计划大科学装置重点专项总体专家组成员。2001年美国普度大学物理学博士。参加ATLAS、BESIII、COMET等粒子物理实验。长期从事粒子物理实验的物理分析和粒子探测器研制。主持和参加科技部973计划课题、基金委重点和面上项目、基金委重大国际合作项目、中科院战略性先导科技A专项等。主要研究成果包括:希格斯玻色子质量宽度和自旋的测量、希格斯玻色子与WW, bb, tautau耦合的测量、底夸克和粲夸克相关CKM矩阵元的测量、粲物理能区强子形状因子的精确测量及轻子味道普适性检验等。目前主要研究兴趣是在高能量和高精度前沿寻找超出标准模型的新物理。